Libraries in 2020

Leeds Library Service

Clare worked with Leeds Library Service to facilitate two interactive ‘ideas and future thinking’ sessions between library staff and creative professionals from across Leeds.

The practical sessions brought together over 30 people – a mix of library staff, creative practitioners and arts organisations working with children, young people and adults in Leeds. The sessions generated innovative and adventurous ideas for the future of Libraries in the city.

‘Good to bounce ideas around in a group and think differently about things’

‘Great way of developing ideas and building links and partnerships, the facilitation was fun and purposeful, an enjoyable afternoon’

Key aims were:

  1. To enable new relationships to be established and to facilitate understanding between libraries and the arts sector.
  2. To generate interesting and exciting ideas about the possibilities of the future – to explore the question “How could Libraries be in 2020”?
  3. To challenge the Library Service on ways of thinking and delivering to help look to the future.
  4. To map how children, young people and adults could progress through the Library in different ways and how arts organisations might support this.
  5. To build a network to enable future discussions and generate practical ideas for working together in both the short-term and the longer term.
  6. To find some common themes and agree next steps for beyond the workshop.

Clare produced a report with recommendations for the service to take forward.

‘Well facilitated, venue ideal to stimulate creativity, excellent afternoon working with partners, helped with creativity’

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