Archives for Innovation Unit

Lies, Damn Lies, And Conscious Misrepresentation of Evidence

An earlier post of mine, on ‘what counts as evidence’, generated a healthy debate, and I thought I could leave the thorny problem of ‘what works’ in education for a while. Maybe lighten the mood with a blog about the all-out assault on the judiciary in post-Brexit Britain, or what’s an appropriate response to a Donald Trump presidency, something like that. But the ‘evidence’ issue reared its contentious head again yesterday, November 4th, so The Donald might have to wait. The flashpoint was the publishing of a report by the Educational Endowment Foundation (the UK equivalent of America’s What Works …

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10 key lessons from the Learning Futures programme

The phase of working intensively with schools on the Learning Futures programme has ended (for now) and we are busy producing tools that teachers and school leaders can use to bring about change. In our own way, we’re trying to move forward the ‘learning revolution’ that the TEDx London event recently called for – but I hope, with a sense of pragmatism, based upon the reality of schools and the structures, and strictures, they operate within. Today, I was working on a manual we’re producing for schools, that offers support in making innovation happen within the high-stakes culture of accountability …

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Aspirations and Inspirations

The Learning Futures project held its second National Event this week, in London. Each of our partner schools attended, together with their Head Teacher, and we shared stories, data and experiences after 8 weeks of implementing their learning innovations, as part of the programme. Two months in can quite often be a wobbly time, when you’re trying to do something out of the norm, in teaching and learning. It’s often entirely natural to question oneself, and wonder whether you’re doing the right thing. So, it was immensely reassuring this week to hear from the man who is CEO of possibly …

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