Archives for Multiple Drafts

The 8 Ps of Great Projects?

Tweet If you’ve followed this blog, or the Learning Futures project, you’ll know that I’m passionate about what I call the four Ps of Engaged Learning. I’d argue that learning only really engages students when it’s either placed, purposeful, pervasive, or passion-led – ideally all four should be present. Yesterday, in the search for examples of great projects, I travelled up to see the presentations from Cramlington Learning Village’s ‘Challenge Fortnight’. This is a great event. For two weeks (formerly just one) the whole school ‘suspends’ the timetable, and encourages students to select from a smorgasbord of challenges, presenting their …

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The Learning Power of Multiple Drafts and Critique

Tweet Over the past few weeks we’ve been working with Kerr Mackie primary school in Leeds, to help them introduce project-based learning (PBL). Whilst PBL is being enthusiastically received in the US, over in the UK, it still attracts scepticism. In part, this is due to some fairly bad experiences students had in the 70s and 80s. We’ve been coaching people to ensure that their projects have clear learning outcomes, carefully planned timelines, and real, authentic products, or services which drive the learning. Too much of what passes for PBL, is actually conventional teaching, with a two-week half-arsed piece of …

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