Archives for Open

Making, Doing, Learning

The following was originally going to feature in my book OPEN: How We’ll Work, Live & Learn In The Future. The editing process put paid to that, but I think there’s a lot to be learned from the Maker Movement: “The disruption caused by the financial crash of 2008 may have been painful, even traumatic. But it may end up being worth it if the growth that replaces perpetual economic growth is a personal and spiritual growth. The New Jerusalem is less likely to be filled with material comforts, and more likely to be about rediscovering our innate creativity, and …

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Why Going Open Is Inevitable

The central argument of my new book, OPEN: How We’ll Work, Live And Learn In The Future, is that the same forces that have seen a revolution in how we interact with each other socially, will force us to change every aspect of how we do business. It’s not a question of if we go open, but when, and how quickly we can adapt to it. Organisations are seeing record levels of disengagement – fewer than 11% of us say we are engaged in our work. This waste of human potential has dramatic financial consequences too: disengagement comes at an …

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And on the sixth day……

…students came back into school to make it not like school. This week-end I was privileged to witness one of the most exciting exemplifications of self-determined learning I’ve yet to see. In OPEN, I write about the inevitable shift, from  Pedagogy (tutor-directed learning), to Andragogy (self-directed learning), to Heutagogy (self-determined learning). I argue that our formal institutions will increasingly have to follow learner needs and interests, simply because, when we’re learning socially, it’s all self-determined. So, we can expect that we will demand more of what works for us socially, when we’re in a more formal space. However, self-directed or …

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