Comments on: The Tragedy of Disengagement Tue, 05 Jun 2018 15:08:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Tragedy of Disengagement | Education Adds |... Tue, 31 Dec 2013 08:24:10 +0000 […] This is the second post covering some of the themes behind my forthcoming book, 'OPEN: How We'll Work Live and Learn In The Future'. The first is HERE. Someone asked me the other day why I'd writte…  […]

By: Serge Laurian Sun, 22 Sep 2013 07:09:38 +0000 In my opinion, it all starts when we’re kids and shortly after, teenagers. Now I’m no expert or wise elder, but as everyone else probably I have taken the same bate.
As soon as we reach 6-7 years old, we are being sold the “cool pill”; so instead of reading a book, we are told it’s cool to watch TV or play a video game, instead of using our head in school and get involved in constructive discussions, we are told to use our looks and be passive. Slowly but very surely we become locked in a world of our own, where it is cool “to do nothing” and and throw stones at someone who does try to. Corporations are the primary culprit, followed secondly by a disengaged government chasing votes and not change, real change, the kind that looks to bettering humanity “change”. The interests of these two groups seem to work very well together and have shaped the world we live in for the last hundred years or so.
And what a world we have today!
I don’t have a solution for the situation…yet, but personally as long as so much of the work force needs to think first about turning a profit and not about changing society for the better, we’ll always be caught in this Catch 22
The meaning and value of money in our society influences everything, top-down.
