Tour d’Art

Tour d’Art Evaluation

Clare was invited to evaluate a special programme of work delivered by The Yorkshire Sculpture Triangle (YST) – a world-class consortium of galleries, comprising the Henry Moore Institute, Leeds Art Gallery, The Hepworth Wakefield and Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

YST commissioned the Leeds-born and internationally renowned artist Thomas Houseago to present two sculptures for the Yorkshire Festival 2014, a 100-day cultural festival that celebrated the Tour de France’s Le Grand Départ in Leeds.

The Yorkshire Festival, Leeds City Council and Wakefield Council provided the funding for the commission, and the aim was to show international visitors the creativity that characterises Yorkshire and to highlight the creative excellence available at a local level.

Alongside the commission the YST were tasked to devise a learning and engagement plan to further support the existing work of the galleries in widening participation and to promote the commission* at a local level. The Learning staff from each gallery worked together to design and deliver the Tour d’Art programme.

‘Art is about the debate and the questions. You can teach your kids about life, politics, it’s a place to explore big ideas, big things!’ (Parent at The Hepworth Wakefield)

Clare’s evaluation report provided an overview of the Tour d’Art activities, insights into the outcomes of the programme and recommendations for future YST projects.


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